Sunday, June 26, 2011

MengHui lijiang

그냥 두꺼운 책을, 우리를 위해 메모리를 지우 너무 어려운 몇 가지. 있을 당신의 마음에있는 것들을 소중히 여기지만, 당신에게 작별 인사를하기 위해 급히 것입니다. 우리가 언제 가장 깊은 메모리를 점프 시간 yellowing,이 두꺼운 책은부터 다시 읽어보십시오.나는 리장, 태양, 영화를 통해 구름의 작은 고대 도시에서 기다리고 기억 천천히 크림슨 쌰에 타는 불을처럼 빨간색으로 변합니다. 약간의 바람이 빛이없이 어둠의 마지막 선 아래 눈 깜짝할 사이에 불고. 리온 록 근처 공기 순회 까마귀, 나는 쿠퍼 ​​정글의 사자 바위와 년 몇 수백 톨 사이 프레스에서 살고있는 한 빨리 동반자와 욕망의 전화로로서의 사운드의 소리, 일부 수천 명의를 들었어요. Naxi 사람이 오늘날까지 계속 생활에서 고대 도시의 원주민 주민을 보호하기 위해 독특한 삶의 흔적과 함께 거대한 왕관 얼룩덜룩한 지점. 쿠퍼의 시체에서 중지에 크로 천천히 커튼 떨어지는 밤 기다리고 있습니다. 전화는 또한 점차적으로 아래로 중단, 깊고 푸른 별이 빛나는 밤에 매달려하고, 셴 시앙, 도시에있는 하천의 매핑의 도시에 떨어지는 달을 터치. 실버 플래시와 놀기 좋아하는 서지,이 문제를 서두르고의 미묘한 소리, 전개 밤의 아름다운 그림으로 천천히 깜박이 조각으로 잘라 강가에있는 달. 모든 호흡의 고대 도시가 들어 수있는 것처럼, 제가 기침이 부드럽게 조용한 밤의 침묵을 깰 수 있다고 들었는데, 조용합니다.아침 안개의 얇은 계층을 발표, 고대 도시와 조용한 골목의 모든 구석에 떠있는 연기. 주민 공예까지, 어떤 일을하고, 도시도 농민의 일부와 혼합 가정 생활, 자신의 운반 바구니와 hoes 몇 가지 요리 광야를 다시합니다. 태양이 서서히 상승, 사자 까마귀의 고대 도시가 점차 의식을 회복, 그들은 작은 그룹에서 쌍 토노의 둥지, 비행 산에 80-9 플라이를 수집합니다. 나는 학교에 학교 가방을 들고 모든 학교 연령 어린이, 우리는 지금 도시에있는 학교의 프라이 머리 스쿨 읽어보십시오. 우드 하우스 남쪽 리온 록 서쪽. 우리에게 Naxi 중공의 깊은 감각과 교사들이 텍스트를 읽을 때, 몇 까마귀가 함께 사자의 비명에 체류하면서 첫 년 동안 언어 교과서, 나는 결코 잊지 못할 에세이, 것은 나는 "까마귀 음료"라는 텍스트를 읽을 Youyuan과 목소리가, 제가 생각하기에, 아마도 그들은 수 없으며, 아마도 파트너 장 Xiangshou과 풍경이 조각들은 나이 때문에 때문에 이건 그냥 내 생각은 ... ... 아마도, 멀리 떨어져있는 아들 딸을 생각 유지 당겨,하지만 난 정말 마음이 체험. 나는 까마귀의 호출의 의미를 이해하지만, 분명히 그들은 거리에 정보를 전달해야한다고하지 않습니다.louis vuitton epi bags for sale 
고대 도시의 기억은, 평화로운 장소입니다. 간단한 아이디어가있는 사람, 자신의 삶의 아름다움과 행운을 빕니다. 정원 다채로운 꽃, 꽃, 봄 같이 심었어요. 그러나, 시간도 얼룩덜룩한 깊은 정원, 자주 독방 크로 밍 즉, 고대 도시가 죽은 것입니다 확실히 어른을 듣고 아이를 떠납니다. 사자 도시의 까마귀는 종종 고독한 밍이며, 사람들이 자주 죽게 고대 도시, 그래서 사람들은 까마귀에 대해 불평합니다. 그러나 신중하게 생각, 인생은 한 자신의 나머지의 결과로, 죽은 열매가, 과정이다. 사실, 크로우는 죽음의 노래가 아니라 많은 사람의 접촉을했다. 그들은 슬픈 종류의 노래에 대한 기억입니다 낑낑. 아마도 밤의 침묵은, 심지어 인간 자신의 슬픔을 렌더링. 당나라 시인 장의 노래 "한밤의 벨"와 리장 까마귀 연상, 그것은 깊은 분위기가 있습니다. 태양 근처의 구석에 늦은 아이가 희미하게이 시간 차 호스로드 캐러밴은 브로큰 스톤 레이키 각 명나라의 소리에서 까마귀의 서식지의 거리에있는 도시 타고 잔인한 말을 끝까지 듣고, 도시에 주둔했다 볼 수 미묘 하고도 부당한 환상 있었다.도시는 많은 오래된 학교와 매우 편안한있는 신사가 있으며, 종종 집, 차, 차, 차에서 병원의 그늘 아래에 모여 듭니다. 외에도 음료, 춤, 가끔은 잉크 펜을에서, 때때로 시를 암송. 난, 분명 누군가 죽은 사람을 기억, 항상 또한 "moonset 우 티 서리 하늘, 우울 수면에 Jiangfeng 낚시 보트"죽은 가족에 대한 찬사를 바치는 측면에 문을지만,이 pa​​ssers별로 알려줍니다. 지금 고대 산들은 신중하게 생각 정원 하우스의 고대 도시, 거리를 착용 레인 강, 셴 고대 스톤로드, 깊은 맛이 SONG 유 탱 모든.louis vuitton fashion bags for sale 세 시간, 모모, 입찰 이별의 통과,하지만 항상 멀리 년 시간을 생각합니다. 오늘날의 바쁜 보는,하지만 마음의 작게 느껴진다. 그들이 어디서 왔는지 네, 아, 글쎄 까마귀 우리의 오랜 세월에 작별을 입찰가, 잘 모르겠지만, 지구 Fuzao을 피하기 위해 그들의 의도는 아닌가요? 검은 뼈 닭을 통해 교사의 교훈을 기억 리온 록은 쿠퍼는 시간의 손을 흔들고을보고, 거기에 서서, 지금 리장 고대 도시의 주정 뱅이 까마귀의 서식지에서 자신의 팬들이 교체, 인생의 잔류 손실의 개발 과정 여전히 표시됩니다 엘프, 그들은 도시에서 멀리 밤낮과 함께하십시오.갑자기 내 마음의 무거운에 다시 시간을보세요. 서서히 우리에게서 귀중한 것, 외로운 밤 거리에 그 까마귀가 다시를 만지자, 제 마음은 까마귀의 마음에서 일어나 뛰는. 멀리, 내 마음의 까마귀, 그리고 그 옛 사람과 옛 친구 당신은 멀리 떨어진 도시에서,있다 당신과 함께합니다.

The rain together

아침, 간헐적인 비가 밤에 따라 의미하지만, 몇 가지 큰 멈추지 않았다. 간혹 어두운 하늘을 가로질러 번개의 섬광과 함께 혼합.컴퓨터를 열려면 침대에서 나와 너무 게으른, 침대에서 Reclined. 휴대 전화를 사용하여 블로그를 찾아보기, 그의 마음에 단어를 찾지 못했습니다. 페이지 오픈 QQ를 닫고, 사진이 밝은 참조하십시오. 순간, 이름이없는 심장에 걸쳐 놀라움, 그리고 난 조금 밝은 느낌과 함께.당신은 질문 : 그것을 밖으로 작동하지 않는다? 난 다시 오전 비가 아 지루, 작동하지 않습니다. 당신은 나에게 미소를 보내 말했다 : 중 내가 보여 줄께. 나는 말했다 : 좋아요. 당신은 말했다 : 어쨌든, 유휴 상태가 더 면을 보게하는 방법, 유휴입니까? 나는 말했다 : 당신은 그것을 어디에 있는지, 예 수 있습니까? 당신은 이렇게 말했죠 : 높이 표시줄의 마지막 마을 회의에.당신은 아주 심각한 음색을 모습을보고, 나는 말했다 : 정말 그래, 그래서 많은 비를 만나? 말씀 : 사실입니다 물론 그래, 당신은 비오는 날 다른 종류의 낭만이있다 생각하지 않니?아마 당신은 정말 비가 날짜와 같은 신경을 보낼 수 있는지 다른 사람처럼, 또는?사랑은 무엇인가! 영 사랑이 사랑스러운 둘은 서로를 타는 열정, 중년 사랑이 서로 평면 조용하고 빛이 파도이며, 사랑은 Haoshou 나이를 잡기 나이입니다.우리는 잘못된 시간에, 젊은보고, 당신은 젊은 낭만의 해석을 놓치고 싶지. 욱신거려의 나이를 잊어 시든 노령 젊은 마음을 다시 촉촉한 그럼.사실, 우리는 각각이 보이는 아름다운 만다라 꽃 것으로 알고 있습니다. 시계 칼을 너무 가까이 갈 정신 떨기입니다.아카시아가 고통을 알고, 또한 걱정. 이 빗속에서, 우리는 가볍게 나비 한 켤레에 자신의 환상에 부분적인 화재로 비행 나방의 두 좋아.나는 당신을보고 그렇게 큰 비를 타고 난 그냥 식사와 채팅을 먹고, 차를 마시는 앉아 싫어요했다.louis vuitton damier wallets for sale 당신은 어떻게 당신이 그것을 원하는 방법에 대한 이해 말한다.비가 먹이 영원한 불안 내 마음의 침몰의 쏟아져 당신의 약속에 갈 수만 마일을 운전. 이 낭만의 비오는 하루를 상상해, 당신은 훌륭한 이야기​​를 시작합니다.호텔 객실가 내 품에 당신을 안고 당신이 긴 머리와 우아한 있으며, 피부의 구석구석은 신체 향기를 exudes. 나는 이마​​에 키스, 당신 Weibi의 눈, 수줍음의 흔적과 함께 suffused 발그레한 뺨을 보았다. 내 입술은 당신의 입술을 만지고, 움직이고 싶지 않아. 정말 순간에 거대한 소나무 오일 드롭 다운이 당신과 내가 수천년에서 키스를, 그래서 호박이 될 수 있도록있다 싶습니다.혀의 노래는 나에게 중매 의미, 그래서 기쁨의 충동을했다. 지금이 순간의 책임을 잊지하여 부드러운 마을에서 바로 음주, 세속을 잊어버려.내 새가 몇 가지 불안 손을 차단하는 당신의 손, 당신이 말하는, 내 동생이 당신에게 너무 많이 줄 수, 그만 해요. 나는 기절했다. 당신은 그의 손이 어떤 성가신, 그래서 우리가 서로에의 메모리를 떠난 머리를 쓰다 쓰다.내가 왜 당신을 물어 좀 버벅거리 무엇입니까? 당신은 우리의 운명 Baifa 하오 처음으로 핸드에 와서 더욱 가능성이 길이 생명 럽 어깨에, 우리는 중년에 접근했을 때, 젊은 사람들이 사랑에 열정을 얻을 수 있지만, 서로의 평면 광을 즐길 수는 없으므로,하다고 그래서 그것을 놓칠 유지 넥타이 그를 유지하기 위해이 사랑을하자. 아마도 진짜로 침대에 가서, 당신은 곧 나를 잊고 ...비가 하늘이 무지개 아니 중단되었습니다. 마일스 접합, 당신이 드라이브 이스트, 나는 서쪽으로 몰고. 즉시 이해,이 생명은 우리는 같은 도로에 있지만,이 도로 자동차를 좋아하지만, 그것은 라인에 위배됩니다.왼쪽에 얼마나 많은 슬픔이나 상관 없습니다.누가 그런 다음, 자신의 왼쪽 그런 어른, 생명을 사랑과 죽음이 서로를 알고 있다고 말했다

Thursday, June 23, 2011

slow down your step

Don't know why, total feel life too fast, like never hold the same. That kind of lose the lonely, is not merely can use "slip of the fingertip hourglass", "it passes like this water", "time flies," "senility" the word comes from me comfort.
The teacher in charge teacher that sound-your high school career and earnest to the past one 6. Back then, we are faced with a first semester's final exam. Always feel, the day is still long. A, at this time, the high school used to the past. A third career This one and another one 6 in looking up between after his head was, really, no more one 6 can be used to sleep, play PSP, hung with QQ.
In the end, this summer will be higher but no heat up. In the middle of June, entered the rainy season. It rained cats and dogs to all branches of the physical education teacher carve up the best reason. Studious molecular suffer badly, no physical education can be used to write your homework. The teacher helplessly indulge in the back of the room we play three killed, and comfort, speak like still vivid class, or is a video to see, no art class, he still owe the yellow emperor didn't speak?louis vuitton luggage
The morning's first class has been cut down by a large number of children, noon eat barely price and high quality is out for lunch, the night of self-study is my dissertation, to return to bedroom, open night light collective three killed. Occasionally in the classroom the YiYuJingRen, after glitzy ambition, to provoke a laugh. Just because too boring, so can only be equipped with a mad selling silly, sacrifice oneself, use make waves to the active classroom atmosphere.
In time, my dissertation, won't looked up. Finally the burden off homework spare the down, but don't think time space. Only free of time would have thought to write something else. We think that as long as the race against time, on a second can win, thought we and time together forward. But, now I have the feeling that, no matter how ground race against time, we also are in the vast universe a little grains of sand, are always time urged us forward. We have to travel forward, not passive posterior can back, also can't stay too much.
Pianist rapid hands left the phantom, also left the beautiful melody, actually life too busy can only let his didn't have time to think what else, think carefully, busy green also lost a lot of...... If slow down the steps, will live no longer so tired, tired pour exhaustion of body and mind?

Have DuanYang before and after

Year after year, day after day, dragon boat arrival, a head childhood before and after the dragon boat fun. -signature
Between the sweet searching stealthily through business, in the neighborhood of the hutongs echoed with sound and the old taste, along with threatenned young childhood old taste.
Midsummer, cicadas in the branches of the high singing the hot summer quiet soft melody, morning glory prosperous blooming flowers in action bee. In the early morning mist, occasionally heard of the river near came the sound and mellow powerful causeway men were boating blared, I know, this is the dragon boat eve people rowing competition in practice, in order to strive to take place and try to give the audience a wonderful moment.
With dragon boat of the coming and a let me to wait and exciting, it is to sell the old man will flee ice stick at the village. At noon the most seamless, kids most looking forward to is a little bit like the sound of the bell ring up the class time, again, and so on, she heard the low shouts, right, here he comes. Children have mostly naked feet away and disappear he rushed out of the door, the whole process is no two minutes, fear was robbed Popsicle sold out. Pick two wooden box at the old man always to say don't worry, the apartment smile in the old wrinkled face bloom. Children in the mouth with the Popsicle, some narrow her eyes, some eyes is blurred, is enjoying the cool ice in an instant, Popsicle after eating also unwilling to leave, following the eldest brother ye pocket the village cries. Now recall the scene, in the mouth feel cold, but in his heart he sort of warm, perhaps it is already childhood memory of the most important parts of it. The recall also "5) senior citizen so.louis vuitton purses
The day before, the dragon-boat festival for the second day of arrival and busy, go out to buy zongzi leaves or to go to the mountains, to pick with warm water for several hours, and then just put the originally prepared rice or glutinous rice and meat, eggs or sausage interior gourd ladle on leaves, packets into triangle dumplings. The package is to go to the strip the steamed rice dumpling of the skin of the top of the coconut cut, put out, coconut milk and the good saccharin flour loaded into coconut shell, general won't fill up, because the top of the shell coconut will won't cover the inside after cooked face. This is where we said "coconut words boat", meaning pray for happiness. Everything is just put them on pan, cook in four hours or so. Is usually cook before "coconut boat" cooked rice dumplings. On this day our children are the most press could not bear, because the scent of the rice dumplings flavour everywhere stimulating we sensitive nose. Sometimes family do not pay attention to and while secretly ran into the kitchen, the rice dumplings chuai in his bosom, and ran out.
The day after the dragon boat after school we a group of children must pass by the slopes of the hill, who offer, who dare to go under the HaiTangShu roadside stab hornet's nest, he is our king our boss, this idea to get everyone's agreed. The children would have parents told words out the door behind them, go straight home don't stay too long in the way, the more don't play some dangerous game, etc. But this moment the children were the words inspire, the blood boiling go to your head, but the consequences of hornet's nest tong than they imagined more serious. With three children just do it and start looking for long enough dry branches or long rod, and their respective found that can help myself famous includes. Other timid boy far away, see, three people to cellular below, the spot atmosphere immediately nervous, three people looked at each other, it's a little afraid of, see who begin. After all, or someone, only hear readily acquired "buzz" away, a group of hornet and whores, frighten three people lose batten down the last man smiled, the two expressions, the reason is a pain was only hornet stung, home after being scolded, adults know inevitably being stung in time to local clinic for shots, one of them is I.
The Dragon Boat Festival to many people feel different, after all, is a traditional Chinese holiday, big has its traditional meaning, traditional always let we recall blood relatives and friends, enjoy in the side of that quiet happiness. From looking forward to, to look forward to, to enjoy the moment, this is a long process, process always let people attaching and want to stay. Some people like to share process, and someone but bury process.
I like dragon boat, because it in the summer, summer in my childhood, the most profound because it let my dream was born. I like dragon boat, because it is a symbol, we are the symbols of writing, in our's writers, we can make this symbol pass, flowing. Not because the baptism of years, because it is obscured by bearing is a kind of feeling! We want to make it more attractive and more rich vitality to give it life color that exist in the great Chinese nation!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

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In the yellow berth lamp, FengYun shine under a faint light place only in exposedLVr hot red lip. Satiny pink tongue in the lip extremely * * lick lastweek, scratchy throat untamed said: "you don't want to sleep tonight: oh, brother." 



The third volume article 167 chapter you thisLVad color dragons 

Dragging the waist sour backache body on-line. Chutian guess,LV as passive square are in such serious, so active crazy FengYun whether waist are to wring. No misremembered, clear leaveLVr throat were some hoarse. But back to last night's things... 

Well, or don't want to. 

This kind of thing is not think, is used for. 

Just online with a purple eyes, small eyes looking at big baby. 

Chutian frighten of backward jumping, swilling down: "open." where shadows 

Shout...... Bam! 

Face smiling, wear small black shoes have feet accurate kicked in, and then left little leg 20-meter-highLVard a sound yummy... 

Don't get me wrong, not bones broken, the leg ministry is chutian wearLVavy armor crack. 

Purple girl false smile and say: "you of what I said just now, won't forget it." 

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Hong jie is put a potato chips to pick-mouth delivery. Peach blossom disc same lip tiny open, revealing inside the hao jie, presentation can feel appears to be far from the mature female spewing out inside the charming fragrance. AssistLVr wide fine wide body devil curve, seem a ripe peach as sweet seductive.
Listen to, ask the chutian an smiled: "originally is our own frighten yourself, also make of xiao yun's level also practiced anywhere. All soon be small days you catch it."
Chutian nod.
Clap hands detritus: "I don't know if you remember we create characters get newbie box."
Chutian again nod. For the box him to now are full of hatred to read. Open what is bad, made out a mikey 6o level. Can now play the roles just bored, and then take out to see how his fantasies cow fork thing. Then basic also won't feel bored, mikey back into warehouses, continue to his LianJi journey.
Compared with FengYun HaoYing within chutian, happiness, a payment of many special profession, a payment of...... Senior professional!
Wait! This is not true!
Hong jie nod: "is that you want to can't." Then said, "even the xiao yun can open a 6 order professional, laugh days can leave seven order career. They thirty men leave little fourth-order vocational and surprising. After all, even the special professions can drive out." This sentence means HaoYing, she is the whole studio's largest lucky man.LV XuTing, WenWen although chutian, is special profession, but each transition with also experienced not simple process. Only the she is opening my novice box open out.
"But thirty also rather..."
"It is a former 10,000 create a character get novice box. 10,000 box open only thirty * * t the fourth-order career. I still feel is too little, but not you feel too much." Lazy stretching a stretch, "anyway, so don't worry about it. Thirty mage say terrorist, actual situation absolutely no god of hyperbole, especially music showLVr the change... zip zip zip, completely is a mobile fort. Renju fireball throw with something." the
A final verdict under an all, chutian they also only brushed away this matter, temporarily no matter the situation.
Midnight, the chutian put Harold ray's task clear majority. Will know that it is incomplete, which have men saw his girlfriend suffer whatever truth. This is not, and make him become victims chutian. Just referral ready to wash your sleep, tomorrow up and went to busy to Harold, solve his feelings ray.
Familiar FengYun timely ringing, knock again pillow appeared in front of him.LV rushes toward strong inside, as if afraidLV takes fled the same.
Hand behind locked the door to, completely broken way.

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"A purple dragon?"
"You blind?"
Chutian be choke on, but still immediately after ask: "you can't be faery dragon!"
Purple girl eyes twinkle: "you know us, too good, I thought..."
Look atLVr and exciting crap down trend, the chutian stop quickly. Feel she is changing pinot for so many years, no one is willing to talk toLVr, lane ofLVr now is nonsense. As long as you like a machine gun mouth did not a stop. louis vuitton damier pocket organizer bag for sale
"Stop! I remember correctly, faery dragon volume..." Chutian gestures, probably the only rival him in a little bit.
Faery dragon is the orboro... different... Not too different now. They naturally proficient in magic, use magic eat simple still than water. Arguably the most brilliant dragonkin ithamar. Just physical compact, and no armour of squama, cause them not good at melee. Arguably the most authentic wizard in the dragons.
Now the problem is thatLV sees the faery dragon fully has eight metres long, 3 metres high, say faery dragon, more like a purple version of black dragon.
The purple girl, blushing intimating that chutian, a body once twist, "I ignore you," lovely attitude, said: "good hate, the somebody else is just a modicum of shape." big!
This is not the problem. It bit Is a lot of times is good!
Chutian all don't know how to sayLVr.
See cute does not work, then she shows a sad expression: "I actually is the black dragon and faery dragon mestizo, so just be out from the dragons." louis vuitton damier key pouch scribe bag for sale
Chutian embrace chest minow seeLVr, as if to say "you invent, you continue to Ed".
Seen elephants and mice hybrid, produce called rat like or something like a rat?
See chutian point not letter, purple girl a stamp, anger way: "so I hate is too smart humans. Be I cheated the past bad, have to entanglements this problem." Now chutian or seeLVr, she was only reluctantly said: "ok, I'm faery dragon variants, born than normal shape corresponding substantially larger. Just the magic on less species will need to learn many, the day after tomorrow. Not like they was born would."

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See this moving thousands of distance, so only may be...
Times yuan trip!
Pinot and restore his purple girl image, clap satisfiedly say: "this need not be afraid those pesky elves are now." louis vuitton damier azur canvas totally mm bag for sale
Chutian some get serious and asked: "who are you exactly?"
Purple girl extremely * * little own pink lip, let a person, especially the man's look cannotLVlp but go towardLVr pink lips look like a star leads, seductive little cherry, call a person extremely want to bite on...... No, lick a mouthful is fine.
"How to say?" Purple girl seems to be chutian this problem floored. In fact some of the performance is she now see, the chutian all suspected she was a player, not NPCS. Action is a bit too human, human intelligence and same.
Probably thought of any good way, suddenly in a beat: "right palm show you physically went. Don't scared oh. I won't hurt you."
Chutian FuFei, look atLVr small arms crus, still don't know who hurt who?
Results the chutian frighten seated on the ground directly.
Dragon! Dragon! Dragon! A purple dragon!
Purple dragon watery eyesLVlpless wrinkled, mouth out fail: "all say don't frightened. Well, and you... eh, what is it you race. Whatever, just when you are human right. So and your human deal with very troublesome, make we really scary. One sees us as physically becomes your that appearance. Thought you can one win over 100 people, should be a little bit stronger, the result is better than they also unbearable, say so, I most afraid..." louis vuitton damier ebene canvas saleya pm bag for sale
Chutian silly looking at this speak voluble young beauty, feeling ear suddenly have a lot of flies flying. Buzzing hum...... Chime, very boring.
SeeLVr this continues, letLVr say for three days and three nights didn't alsoLVads.
O.k. she hasn't completely immersed inLVr crap world, be chutian a call and then back to god.
Not sure to askLVr: "you is the dragon?"

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Talk about myself

I do not appreciate this man has been hazy beauty, so I only wish to see beauty in the sun, not used in the light or moonlight to appreciate; only willing to place flowers in the air and not used a transparent view through the fog. If I "smoke and mirrors", calling to see is a pile of stinking dog feces!
Frank said bluntly that if I looked at some of the expert eyes of the authority of words, see no convincing scientific conclusions, but the horrible smell of "interest" word. Experts said if the authority did not know food and drug safety the truth, it is purely nonsense, but because of the interests involved so that some of them were intended to conceal the truth only. There are cases as evidence: Zhejiang year two professors from abroad clenbuterol, knowing that it has serious side effects, but do not hide that, but a lot of hype to say the benefits, people think that using lean pig pig industry can simply set off a revolution, which also said they received the "Technology Progress Award."
This also explains why some things at home to allow the production allows you to add, and one who is directly associated with the interests of some department heads, a stakeholder who is leading experts to be the authority to fooled. Zheng Xiaoyu, sacked corrupt officials, experts and a lot of the grant had not failed or even harmful food and drug it? In fact, not only food and drug field, has been true in many other fields. Look who collapsed and is preparing to collapsed bridges, which no expert evidence and signatures? An old saying: lust. In fact, usually not blinded, but the conscience of interest that some people threw the dog to eat.

Everybody knows it

As you know, a period of time, the media broke a lot of food (including drugs) problems, such as fruit ripening agent, swelling agent watermelon, rice, preservatives, polishing agents and so on. In this regard, some experts believe that eating a hundred of these things harm. But some experts say the authority, which are permitted by the State, we have used for decades, and found no toxic side effects on the human body, completely safe to eat. Here there were two diametrically opposing voices are authoritative advice on expert opinion, who is right, we are "smoke and mirrors", not only do not see real, but also end up confused and a confused mind.

Now pundits seem to have such a logic, all countries are allowed to add production of non-toxic harmless, only prohibited by the state is toxic, so to add additional flour, white powder which in May 2011 1 are harmless before May 1 will be added after toxic. The same as drunk driving, "51" before the sentence does not go into, "May Day" after a crime. It seems, pundits and ordinary people's mouth is just as long a mismatch, Zhashui rational ah ye!

Expert authority there is a logic, called by the long-term consumption observed no obvious side effects, so people can rest assured. We do not know such a "long-term observation," There is no set of rigorous scientific procedures, if not, so I am afraid that the authority of the conclusions themselves do not believe it? Or a trader said frankly: they do not add too much, then put the sick people to eat dead food, it does not matter. Indeed, many people every day to eat a wide variety of food, as long as the right time, regardless of what ails the future, who knows the cause in the end what is it? So, I am in my usual "malicious", then the authority of these experts speculated that the meaning is only a short time because the consumption of certain food additives or other drugs, etc., and produced a large-scale cases of illness and death in order that The toxic and hazardous materials, such as melamine and clenbuterol.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

So discouraged and LV

"Yes ah! Is surnamed Chen, is Chen A water, I also just met LV's. How the? Think of my project manager is so famous, but also make you the head of the four famous male child to remember the autumn." Chen Chunwang surprised Then he felt very natural look, maybe this works really good, even the women at the fireworks site will know, but also remember this project the project manager surnamed Chen.louis vuitton monogram purses
Heard here, the fall of another child's face changed, but are not aware of Chen Chunwang, LV in the concentrate on driving, let alone face autumn is not likely to be seen by others.
Approaching the car when the PP project site, autumn suddenly said, do not want to go in, look like on the outside. Chen Chunwang think also, this site so dirty on the outside around it! So, LV to open the car carrying the children around the fall of a circle around the site.
In fact, the autumn in particular want to go take a look at this time, O water, but particularly afraid to see A water. Chen Chunwang would like to take this opportunity and take a look at this guy called Ah-water at the moment what is being done? Why He Taihu so discouraged and LV?
In fact, when Chen Chunwang turned the site after a group, LV Chen A water is the addition of several good impression, because the project is doing OK, more than expected in the LV also good to many. When LV are the door to the edge of the concrete road construction site, the A in front of the water is, and Zhang lecture workers on the site.louis vuitton monogram wallets
The workers stood straight straight, line by line, like army soldiers, while the Arab-Israeli propaganda of water is more like a soldier, speaking sonorous, powerful, particularly with the spirit, is particularly justified, there is more words of encouragement workers. This scenario, Chen Chunwang just saw, LV mouth smile, has nodded good.

LV Group

Today, autumn and particularly children get up early, because Chen Chunwang early to call her, said LV wants her to go outside to accompany a walk.louis vuitton monogram macassar canvas
Akiko because last night I heard something and looked A bad water, I heard Chen Chunwang called her, she feels these days too deliberately on a LV. So she agreed.
Chen Chunwang with Akiko to the LV Group, developer of several major real estate projects there rolled, the way to show your own deep pockets.
Mercedes-Benz car sitting in a sudden fall as won over the same children, seemed very pleased. Chen Chunwang see with their eyes, joy in his heart.
"Akiko, I'll show you a place." Chen Chunwang driving on the autumn light laugh.
"Anyway, out with you today, what you think of anything." Indifference emerged in autumn, but not without a polite chuckle.
"I'll show you a large project, it is not a general project, which is specifically for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games to build the stadium, which was the national key projects." Chenchun Wang turned to look at her, Dan Xiao.
"Which one of your items are not national?" Autumn again indifference, "that go! Finally come out and let in the wind, go and visit is also OK." She continued.louis vuitton monogram multicolore
"This time is different, this is the national director of the project, called the PP project, the main building side is my construction company Group, a subsidiary of Dunhuang." Chenchun Wang has just finished, Akiko asked: "Chun Wang, What you say the project? "She felt very familiar with the name.
"PP project ah! How?" Chen Chunwang see her face, a bit like laughing.
Akiko's face changed, and quickly asked: "PP project, where the project manager surnamed Chan you?"

Saturday, June 11, 2011

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"Akiko, I critically within a hurry, you allow just one make it! I provide you with this number." Chess Chen Chunwang a glance at this situation, realize that this really is not merely to invest the reselling price of half an hour, also it may nicely also not be lost , and quickly pretended it says something, mentioned when he arms over a wonderful gesture.louis vuitton king size toiletry bag
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Thus, Akiko lightly place a head. This action, of course, can not allow the keep track of know. She also deliberately the incorrect pieces, leaving a gap to him, nonetheless the incorrect just one boy at precisely the comparable time, a deliberately wrinkled brow. Chen Chunwang knowing, but in inclusion starts to possess a spirit in me. Oh, great, the child's percentage fast. Of course, occasionally to pretend like.
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Akiko saw him be worried about, you see the chess situation, and my center laughed, laughed softly requested him: "Mr. Chen, like what?"
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Friday, June 10, 2011

Fingertips the moment

Thought, these three many years I could possibly be pretty painful, then a celebration of mischievous college students in particular, who know what I'm undertaking a complete whole lot over fulfilling and meaningful few of years; experienced believed apart college students this term, I will cry eventually liberated, and who knows, parting, I, as a complete whole lot sadness as well as a perception of how almost.louis vuitton associe gm terre  Ah my dear students, you have offered me - your homeroom teacher, how a complete whole lot much better or unpleasant memories, but this could be all coming apart getting a graduation. a complete whole lot more like a stand for the system for you on the vivid words and phrases lesson, a complete whole lot more like a place the naughty boys some criticism and education, as well as a complete whole lot more time and you also desire to converse about ideals as well as the future, can all this to end, once the instructor is only in her spare time in three many years this assortment of memories little bit by bit, the methods in the previous turned to the training of summary, to much better educate the up coming student. The instructor admitted to every individual of you this wish a wonderful university, to acquire the exquisite perfect in mind.
Fingertips the moment, three many years of junior considerable college existence is singing a finale. At this moment, all of a sudden found out that our campus in actuality so cozy and our partners in actuality so cute. To say goodbye, and experienced just genuinely appreciate the Trespa million threads, entangled on this momentlouis vuitton monogram zippy coin purse ivoier
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Rush years

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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

you can

There is a woman, whether she married is construction workers or congress, she has the ability to let yourself be happy!

I see in the Ming dynasty is in good friends, a 35-year-old party feminine beauty, the woman, secondary education is not high also, but married a promenading up the good husband, he is said to be the master, then as furniture business home, send for 10 years, a married the daughter, carved jade bracelets powder friends after finish half jealous half the envy laments, married to such a good man, in accordance with the true happiness, I bright smile don't talk, presumably her story not so simple.happy ability cook, will soup, will sureness their livinglouis vuitton leather wallets

Ming according to marry husband when he was a college lecturer in young, standing on the podium passion to talk about flying cynicism and Schopenhauer, the crowd of girls most is blunt handsome teacher to, in accordance with the commitment and the crush this sentiment, that time she of course not to consider the man's name on the special temperament between 20 square meters only one tube-shaped apartments dormitory.
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Married status although not satisfactory, but love can make up for all the inseparable. Young couple together in public water wash clothes, one between a twist sheet; In YanXunHuoLiao cooking in the corridor, meal husband stay with her side wash dishes chatting; Weekend go see a movie or go back to hand in the family's home for dinner. Ming in feel as though poor but truly happy sweet, she look from humble home, plain clothes, his bare neck finger diverted, monthly cost-effective over in the little money to good, bright day in doing a good food, her husband's favorite beer she cook soup, stew, carp shredded pork spareribs lotus, taro baby food... Each drink belly son round to put down the bowl. See the husband simple contented smile, according to think, this is the happiness.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

of time

The mo, white young head, empty grievous. - yue fei

Time steps are silent. Come back, day turn, a bit not advertent, years from your side slipping away. It won't give delay time, nor in any of the pleaded for anyone and accidentally a review. It can make the red flower fade, can let a withering, greenery white-haired, let he beauty into a worthless old man. Time is ruthless, another sentient beings. To cherish the time, it was infinite wisdom and wealth gifts.Herve Leger Deep V Bandage

Depending on the time for lifeLu xun is spare time.XuAnPing in memories of lu xun, said: "he often bit accumulation time to learn all, play, hezekiah his sit is what he most afraid of." If have friends in his work, is talking best friends, he will also said rudely. : "alas, you again come, were not things good do?"Lu xun use time as a life. He said: "the American people say, the time is a money, time is a life. Because the time, actually KongHao others." tantamount to murder Lu xun shortly before he died in his hospital bed, also written, and writing. He is a famous saying: "want to do!"Herve Leger Long Sleeve

Hurry up doing, just don't let time go freely flow.Time is my propertyGerman poet, dramatist, thinkers Goethe, life endlessly efforts writing, very in cherish your time, he wrote in a poem:Our industry is how of beauty, how wide, how wide!Time is my property, I fields is time.

Once, in of Goethe's autograph album picked someone else's words: "life here is two and a half time, a minute smile, a minute sigh, half minutes love. For in the love this half minutes, he died.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

do pure friendship exist between men and women?

Pure friendship between men and women? Throughout my own more than 20 years of experience and observation, I give this problem sentenced to a death, there is absolutely no friendship between men and women, any two of the blood relationship in certain conditions of the opposite sex is likely to produce so-called love.
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If both sides felt each other is his good friend, can trust, can rely on, even can depend on; So, they had produced between feeling of love. Men can think, marry a wife will marry her such, if can marry her is better; Woman would want to, married husband will marry him so of person, best can marry him. Are most of the people did not crush this layer of paper, continue to maintain the surface friendship relations, because the real world exists much imprison, light, meaning across poke at great cost. First is psychological barriers, afraid once showed even friends after palpitations, can't do (when it just goes he or she cared about each other, to each other have too many expect), afraid of stains friendship innocence; Second is realistic obstacles, the most typical is the other third party unless otherwise love, not do, there is the door, physical improper households wrong and to the other gap. All these various, anyhow hindrance. Once the layers of disability was breakthrough or disappear, they will surely like between volcanic eruption, friendship as this picture flimsy instant smoke...Coach Poppy Hobo

Seen many stories, men and women work together, as time passes is produced love; Some men and women to each other, a play is mocked beat and scold feeling scold is love, for a long time, then love up. Such a phenomenon we side are legion. When a your dream or appreciation standing in front of the opposite sex, everyone's hormonal secrete will strengthen, everyone will involuntarily excitement, this is our physiology of the decision. The person eventually is an animal, but binding and self-control suppressed inner expansion, make feelings do not so flood.

Friday, June 3, 2011

the light summer

Always lightsome ground to walk in shallow season, will mood subtle wind as lawsuit and brushed gradually cloud sadness, strewn at random words written dream, let beauty bloom in blossom moment. Can the world, these lonely sometimes downpayment bustling unending rise and fall,, ups and downs. The world is the sentiment, tempting cup of wine, ah margin, ups and downs, and many past scattered like the fingers of the sand, the flow erosion by time eroded, spread out the palm, is still empty hands. Originally, the feeling is like running water, it is difficult to predict the end of fly, the wind the steps that have never sheltered harbour. Don't ask whether did meet, don't ask yesterday's dream have more beautiful, a sigh, loose life thick, originally is all vain out clips, but as the everlasting.herve leger single strap armor trim apricot dress

Between buddies, light sunshine, drunk a shade fine grass, green fields empty, the wind flowers. Once wet heart in time, make, and years under twitter, invite drink company. The field of wind, the sky, swaying to suddenly so far out to a cool and refreshing and fragrant.

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Cloud has light, the wind has far, much, but only on under eyebrows, heart. Of all things, seems to have far too vague. Accidentally and turn the pink, spring, summer, autumn and in a cicada language itself away from the bosom. And I, still keep that a persistent alone in the joy, erratic if have if have no of waiting, even, stretch hand to place, the voice of spare rain penetration, lonesome. Perhaps, and somehow have doomed, flower elsewhere, scenery in their homes, to derive the ravishing beauty took. So, just can have so many casual errors, achievement unexpected inevitable.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

a fashion TV column "beautiful"

In December 2010 there is a fashion TV column "beautiful", that period qiao better program mainly content wrote: you also fantasized about as elegant as Hepburn? Linda's Hepburn modelling have been described... Colour makeup days tiffany-twisted carvalho half-grabs, become Hepburn chess, not be a dream! More attractive, please watch!Herve Leger Skirts

About "AoDaiLiHeBen" a modelling, held every year similar activities, thus AoDaiLiHeBen a charm is spread all over the world. She has a pair of big eyes, like take too mirror, wear sandals and sweet skirt, form even or black clothes high-necked unlined upper garment... Her movie modelling are sundry, her dress, cosmetics, behavior for many female imitation and pursuing idols, she all sorts of modelling represents qualitative, modern and national portion, class and related complex ideas degress update, her noble and pure, flawless, natural qualitative, for the 1950s female provide beautiful image representative, she can also have the and partial feminine female charm, and can provide a kind of new aesthetic idea, can use "grade," a phrase that summarized, and need not discard the traditional thought of female quality. Because of the different that Hertz present qualitative, this germplasm a female governor. It is this aspect of compatibility, Hepburn brings era of identity and symbol.Herve Leger V Neck Bandage

Actually, know as life dress is the most important. Looks will over time and getting old, born of experience for the soul, but rich and become vicissitudes of life, we have special and unique, if we know how to give a fresh life every day, to inject fresh life, believe that energy is liquid as. For life, like treat the flower is same, clear on every day of life, time pour in the dust, the moisture, let the green become more green, have a feeling like in sprout, leaf, bud bud, scent waft. Stay Especially we thought, some thoughts are like junk like that in our mind accumulation, need to delete, and then let the new thoughts or ideas into life, so our life will seem like the colour makeup is bright,. Of course, that is not enough, the female should put the books when the best cosmetic, consistently reading books, raising the habit of persistence, beautify their efficacy is absolutely obvious, and is enduring. Female know to use cultural supported himself, is the secret of female keep glamour eternity.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


May the sky, the earth is an colourful, vegetation lush prosperity. Is gloomy rainy day, sometimes the half dark, mountains white mist curl up, misty if fairyland, more add a few minutes of deep, like subdued mood finally found exports, can be long one breath of pine tracker.herve leger alyssa narrow bandage rose dress

For a long time now, working busy tired, the worry, several desire to live my fragile overwhelm the nerve. Daily through the life of the road, see heaven and earth, growing vegetation politically-inspired futong flowers open window: thanks, podul from spring to wear to summer. But I felt like stock market barometer, reciprocal. With heavy mind long short steps through years of the rivers, and always seems cannot untie, clots in the heart.

The ultimate worry said to lover? See him back on the night of exhaustion, keep the forehead eyebrow with social endow a man pressure, I am in addition to meet give him a weak smile, say a few words of comfort words, what else can I do? I knew I couldn't give his actual help, I won't solve his problem. How good the worry added his mouth hearts.herve leger asymmetric velour bandage black dress

Weekend, son excitedly from school to return. Finally leave the campus, temporarily closed a week of learning, be like pause nervous all the loose smile into the house, gue. Partition door with a "mama" put my heavy thoughts after ShanShen thrown. But for his son to a beautiful smile, kind ask him whenever a week, do his expression of feelings and give him release object space. When I face love, silently the audience, dedicated to listen, timely guide. I am a son warm harbor.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Night, always is wrapped in darkness, hidden behind the mysterious appearance. Don't know is to highlight his special, or in silently implies something.herve leger asymmetrical neck aimee contrast banded dress

Don't know when to begin, I have gradually like night, not to look for his mysterious, just like the quiet feeling.
All said night is long, and I thought he was brief. Whether in a hard day faint head turned to lie. Still, step into the night looking for ideas jams that ray of light he gave me the feeling is short. The unexamined lie down, eyes a closed a zheng night so over. Ideas, walking in jam that a dark, seize the light also just in the moment.

Night, always so brief, but let me deep like. Depressed, I like standing in the dark, slowly close your eyes go thin feeling. At this time, the mind will always appear, a song of wonderful fairy sound, let me depressed mood soon be calmed down; Thinking, I like jam, standing in the dark sky, overlooking the distant stars in the night it always can give me light; In sad sad, I like the squat down in the night at a corner, it always can give me the most broad bosom let I depend on.herve leger signature bandage black dress

Many times, I think has been immersed in the darkness of night, but it is always so brief.

Monday, May 30, 2011


Time flies, calendar and uncover new page, another growth rings far away, another season changes, along with hot June coming is my birthday. And I thought to write something, as gifts offered himself. Have in the past, many regrets in mind; See now, many happy in the eyes; Hope in coming years, countless unknown in waiting. In the review of Thanksgiving, looking to comprehend. Find happiness in gratitude in comprehension, found in happiness.herve leger dress for women

When I was young, eager to the birthday mood, like hope New Year when as urgent, birthday, every day nearly break fingers vision, the number of days left waiting anxiously birthday comes.

Although childhood birthday, not like the Spring Festival's new clothes can wear. But early in the morning can eat to white boiled eggs and candy (lack of time, in supplies eggs and candy but luxury, is a limited supply of), noon can eat to mother carefully prepared abundantly dishes. Xinjiang is the season of rainy day in early June, fresh vegetables are scarce, in order to be able to eat early vegetable, a spring, days, mom was slightly warm home garden apart, digging the busy, fertilization, sowing, watering, membrance...
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A series of steps, followed by waiting to complete the harvest. To my birthday this day, these early kind of vegetables has can pick out of cooking: garlic, tender plants collocation some pork Fried one dish; just Petite green peppers complete with eggs gather together into one dish; Take the squash to put some SuanNi skin, fresh and delicious Fried; Inch long green beans with some meat a burn, delicious; Braise in soy sauce a round eggplant, again cold cucumber, like a sesame oil, a table magic well-balanced meal is present in front of me, colour is gorgeous, fragrance pubi dishes, chan that my mouth water.

From the whole house vegetable plot non-pollution vegetables can is pure green food, oh, often remind of, always think match between still left lingering fragrance, make me with an endless aftertaste. No matter how far away from home, regardless of how many delicacies to eat, or think mom do the most delicious meal, suddenly good want mom to burn meals.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Burberry check

Filed in the fashion industry Burberry, that is famous the. Burberry's most famous product is its coats. Founder Thomas Burberry was a smart designer, he is well versed in both the Chinese real soul of fashion, look at his home in London the weather, a raincoat you know how practical. So that it was only the effect that he cited as a proud --- you look at the British dictionary, Burberry's interpretation is a raincoat. Burberry trench coat for the grade, has been described very well, "If the western sky was a huge rain clouds, it began to rain, rain, then, from the president and senior white-collar workers to the cutting-edge entertainment stars have a common characteristic: wearing Burberryraincoat. "Here, we most not forget that well-designed trench coat lining, pattern is a grid, this grid has become a trademark of Burberry brand, but also Europe and the world is your high-quality, durable The logo, which is Burberry plaid.
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Lattice can be described as a long history in the UK. Archaeological discoveries, the earliest plaid appeared in central Scotland, dating back 1,700 years. Lattice is the family of the British flag symbol, the color of the grid of different sizes represent different villages, local or family. This perhaps is due to King George IV, who visited Scotland Scottish tartan dress, and declared that "the British are all dressed in their plaid", the British began to have his name restored to the design grid pattern, to today, the United Kingdom "well-known lattice registry" has thousands of registered grid. But, no doubt, Burberry plaid is one of the most famous grid.herve leger v neck dress usa

So what is this famous grid like? By the light camel color, gray, white and red thick consisting of three patterns in a fine cross. The classic things to survive and develop, Burberry plaid has had a very open mind. Whether it is authentic Burberry brand or other trendy brands, large and small, are willing to re-interpretation of the classic elegance of the grid. Color can change again with, as you bright or calm; use on the rise, clothes, shoes, scarves, hats, handbags, luggage, travel bags and wallets, and notebooks, umbrellas, or household items, as you put on your wish place. And it can give you a taste of what you want can be noble, can be cute, you can simple.

You may not afford the authentic Burberry, but you can spend Burberry plaid,